Sunday, August 15, 2010


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Tiry always looks so tired and that's true. He never feel enough for how long has he slept, even 24 hours is just not enough for him. Once he has nothing important to do, he would just sleep. Besides he might just go out for some food. However he is very agile when he is awake, no one can beat him at all.


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Piggy is kind of childish. She would never have an adult thought. However she is really kind just like a kid. She always loves playing games and always be happy. But once she meets a bad guy, she will proctect herself well.


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Firy can only line in a very hot environment. She loves fire and she can sting-out fire. Look at her beautiful wings, she can fly at a very fast speed and reach a very high place. Also she loves raising flowers. She has her good methods to keep the flowers alive even in such a hot situation. Good on her!


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Buffer is really good at jumping even though he just has one leg. He is a kind of butterfly, he loves to live in a place which likes trunks. He has eyes around his head therefore he has a good eyesight, nothing can run away from him. And he is a good attacker and very strong.